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But First...Intimacy

It's exciting once we first get saved. We finally gave our lives over to Christ. We are ready to tell everyone about the change that was done on the inside of us. There is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with testifying about how Christ saved us. That's a wonderful thing. In fact, in John 4, that is exactly what Christ told the woman at the well. Here is the thing. Her knowledge of Christ came from a place of conviction and actually having an encounter with The Word that was manifested into flesh. It's very important to be intimate (to know) Christ before starting a ministry, becoming a pastor, or attempting to be a teacher. If not, you could in fact mislead others. In fact, these people will be judged more harshly because of the position that they took on upon themselves.(James 3:1) They are willingly pouring knowledge of Christ onto others, and that source of knowledge about Him cannot be drawn from their minds but rather the mind of Christ. (John 15:4)

It's vital to make sure Christ called you to what you are putting your hands to.

"and that source of knowledge about Him cannot be drawn from their minds but rather the mind of Christ."

This statement brings me to my next point. We can have access to the mind of Christ?

Yes! We can! Through the Holy Spirit, of course. 1 Corinthians 2:11 says, "For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. "The Holy Spirit must be present in every believer. It's up to us to accept the Spirit of God and to get in a place where He can teach us, so that we can dine with Him.(Rev 3:20) The more time we spend with Christ, the more we can have confidence in the things that he told us to do or the offices He calls many to.. The more we won't back down in situations whereby The Spirit tells us to go and talk to a certain person and give them a word. It's because intimacy is present, and there is no doubt in our minds that the Spirit is giving us instruction. If one spends time with the Spirit daily and Christ then places it on our heart to do a specific task, the only time one would back down is because of disobedience and unwillingness. Not because of contemplating, "Is this Christ or not?" Christ does not give us a Spirit we can hardly trust. Now, Let's bring scripture into this.

Acts 8: 27-39

The book of Acts is a book I would encourage every believer to read on their own and notice how evident the Spirit was moving. Without the Spirit's help, Phillip would have never gone up to the eunuch. Without Phillips's obedience, the eunuch would have never given his life to Christ. Without intimacy and commitment, Phillip would've never had The Spirit at all.

How do we have intimacy with the Holy Spirit? 

It involves constant communion and dedication. (Acts 2:42)

It must involve daily Communication, Which is prayer. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

It must involve daily meditation on The Word (Psalm 1:1-2)

Here is an analogy to tie this all together

When it comes to a married couple, would intimacy be increased if, when they both wake up, they don't say one word to each other? They go about their day, and once they come home. They go to bed by simply saying "goodnight." Then the cycle continues the next day.. then the next day. How is communion being birthed? Just because they sleep in the same bed does not mean there is intimacy. Just because you made a decision to dedicate your life to Christ does not mean there is intimacy. Many go up to the altar in churches to make that decision, but what also matters is what follows after that. Does effort that proceeds intimacy follow? The scripture clearly states that faith without works is dead.

--and with us being the bride of Christ, how much more does this analogy apply?

True communion with Christ is key. Communion produces intimacy. Intimacy gives you confidence and assist you to be prepared to do the will of the Father. Far be it from us that we teach Christ to others from what we think rather than what we know or Teaching the regurgitation of scripture and not knowing the true Author. We only fool ourselves by doing so. Don't cheat yourself out of the experience of learning from the teacher. John 14:26: "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you"

Think of the disciples. They followed Jesus closely, and then when the time came, Christ said, Go out and make disciples out of all nations. Matthew 28:19-20. They examined Christ and learned from Him. By doing this they were able to teach Christ correctly and lead many others to Him.


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