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Lost In The Distractions: let’s reflect

We are surrounded by them. 

We live in a fallen world where

they are bound to come. 

They can come through electronics. 

They can come through family 

That can come through friends. 

They can come from your job.

We then began to get buried in them. 

They then began to become familiar and natural, and we forget what we once held up to the highest standard.



What  we once held or rather, Who we once held?

Who did we once hold at that standard?


Who is He ?


As we go further in our faith and time goes by , how could it be that we have lost focus ?

It’s no longer about the Father but rather the things the Father gave us.

We make content for the approval of man rather than the approval of The I Am

We have to post our next video because the man said so and not because The I Am says so.

“They loved my last video, so the next one has to be exactly like that.”

Where the plan was once “wipe away my agenda” has now become “follow my agenda”.

Where it once was,” I’ll take the backseat” it has become “give me the keys.”

Why is this?

We have lost focus.

It’s become about quantity rather than quality.

We got distracted by the sightseeing and lost focus of the destination.

What we thought we would never be, we have become.

It’s not about you, or me, but rather Him that shed His innocent blood on a tree. 

Once our gaze is on Him, I don’t have to worry about myself. He will take care of it. 

However, if I try to do it all but myself and make sure I get to where I want to go with my own abilities, I have lost my life. But if I go through Him, and He provides it for me, I have gained my life.

Ironic, isn’t it?

We find ourselves when we lose ourselves.

When we forget about ourselves 

When we lay it all down and say “Have me”

Many don’t want to be deceived. They don’t want to be fooled, yet here we are fooling ourselves when we lose sight of the goal. 

Picture a football player running in the opposite direction from the other team's end zone. Running towards his own goal, about to score on his own team and provide a point to the other team....deceiving himself 

The audience would ask “what is he doing?”

That is what we should ask ourselves. 

What are we doing ?

We are the people who can’t afford to be distracted. It could cost us the game, or in this case, our lives.

Can we put The Father in His rightful place in our lives ? 

What is the phone doing there ?

What is your family doing with the gold metal? 

Christ does not deserve silver or bronze.

This isn’t to guilt-trip you but rather have you examine the truth. We don’t want to be deceived, right? 

He is the only one who can save you from distractions…better yet, deception.

Ask yourself why would you want to be walking down a road that symbolizes a whitewashed tomb? 

Distractions and their pleasure last but a moment. Your life should be filled with more than just fleeting pleasures. Don’t you think ? Aren’t you worth it ?

Christ thought so. 


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